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/ Night Owl 13 / Night Owl - The Best of Shareware (NOPV-13) (Night Owl Publisher) (1994).ISO / 052a / ocln116.zip

Text (8)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
AGENTS.TXT Text File 1,016 27KB 1994-06-07
COMPUSER.TXT Text File 147 6KB 1992-10-16
LANGUAGE.DOC Text File 17 444b 1994-06-16
LICENSE.DOC Text File 460 23KB 1993-07-30
OCLN116.DOC Text File 551 20KB 1994-06-16
OS2VAL.DOC Text File 66 3KB 1994-06-16
REGISTER.DOC Text File 324 10KB 1993-07-22
VIRLIST.TXT Text File 1,712 122KB 1994-06-02

Other Files (4)
OS2CLEAN.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 335KB 1994-06-15
OS2VAL.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 37KB 1994-06-16
FRENCH.MSG Dynamic Message System File 16KB 1993-11-29
SPANISH.MSG Dynamic Message System File 17KB 1993-11-29